Monday, November 1, 2010


song of the day: speeding cars by imogene heap

first of all lemme just give a shout out to mah homie miss courtney who made me the most incredible mix tape which i love ^_^ and a ridiculously epic book called "destroy this journal" which makes me very hapy as well ~ eeee!
jenship. so i learned the meaning of this word today from my soulmate, dalia, well actually it was in existence before but we named it today... so mike is a kid at my school who has the largest ego i have ever met. he thinks that every grl who meets him likes him. i will admit, when i first met him i was like ooh he's.... charming? yeah right. neways he is.... uh how can i say it politely? he brags about having kissed 27 girls in his life, most of which he has no names for. he hooks up for fun. now he's not all bad, we're friends, but he's one of those guys who likes everyone, and lets everyone know it, and enjoys being rejected by a few so he can have something to do in his spare time. i kid you not. anyways. he has this... girl. named jen who he makes out with when she's around, and they'll hang out and chat and be whatever but they won't date! i bug him about it all the time because it makes no sense to me, there is NO commitment... so today he was chatting up dalia and i was like maaan and he put his arm around her and was  like " see, we're GREAAAT friends" and im like "wow mike, thats more than friends" and dalia whispers " he wants more than friendship, he wants a JENship... rotfl. this makes me laugh. maybe you would have to be there... ill finish this later >.< i have to go

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