Tuesday, August 31, 2010

autumn is coming (part 2)

reasons i dont like autumn:

it means this is coming

and all of it is lovely and whatever, but i just cant quite let go of summer! im not ready for ittttt.
and... it means THIS is coming

agh. alrite, enough with the pictures. im actually gonna have to post something real here one of these days :/

autumn is on its way

reasons i love autumn:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

horizontal integration.

song of the day: free of me by josh radin~ this song is really depressing but i really like it, the music is niiiiice
about my title, what do you think of when you hear horizontal integration? because is it just me our does it sound a bit... suggestive? i mean REALLY and then theres also vertical integration... kinky! just kidding. darn you plushie, now you got me saying kinky, i NEVER said kinky before you, now i say it all the time, you have CORRUPTED me, oh and i love you for it ;). anyways, so my dad had to write a whole paper on horizontal integration, and then he read it to me and the whole time i was thinking of it in the wrong way so i laughed quite frequently and proceeded to explain that i was "enchanted by the idea of this integration stuff..." he was clueless. haha.
i recently watched a rly funny vid called "grocery store musical" on improveverywhere.com it was so silly i laughed pretty hard when they wheeled a black guy on a car out and he started talking like obama~ it was funny, he's like " WE CAN!!!!!!" oh dear.
if you've never read hard love by ellen wittlinger you should, it was really goood and sad, the gist is a straight guy falls in love with a lesbi girl. its quite interesting.
well, i must go now my dears~ me and me padre and me hermana are going to ride into lake o on our bikes today ( O.o) should be an ADVENTURE~ YAAAAAAAAY.
love to you all,

Friday, August 27, 2010

ping pong

i dont know why i titled this ping pong, when nothing i plan on writing today will have to do with ping pong. well, i guess i could write about ping pong... me and my best friend/worst enemy liz are pretty dang good at ping pong. at snow camp last year we pwned everyone! well erm that may have something to do with the fact that our version is hit it at each other, fight to the pain ;), you know. we actually managed to get it in someones hood! we were so amazed we started laughing hysterically~ we were sleep deprived to. anyways, i am posting about more than ping pong here!!!!!!!!
i gots to see my friend faithy today, i love her but dont agree with her entire life style :/ nevertheless it was great to see her again!! shes with this 23 year old guy with a daughter... he seems nice enough but its still weird, she's only barely 17 :/ meh.
yesterday fifteen dollars that i have been missing appeared on my desk... at first i thought hmm ive been looking for that for a week! it must have fallen out of a book or something... then i noticed the books it had been sitting under were ones i had just put there a few hours ago. then i noticed all the money was folded into little rectangles, nice and neat, which i never do. so i went upstairs and told my mum " guess what? my money appeared on my desk! folded up..." then the sibs came out of their rooms because im loud in general and they wanted to know what was up. my mum explained and glanced suspiciously between the two until doug ( my 8 year old kid brother) cracked and admitted he wanted to count it last week and "forgot" then "remembered" and returned it as soon as he could. i dont think he really got in trouble~ this vaguely irks me, but i got my money back so whatever.
i want to blog about something interesting now but im not sure what. hrm. well im really excited about the photo thing me and court are embarking on soon, it should be interesting..well i have to go off to my grammies house today to help with a garage sale. what is up with garage salllleeees lately, they are ruining mah liiife! arrrrgh. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. im sorry you all have to read about this. lemme come up with something interesting, kk?
hello, the name is brown. jane brown. not many people know this about me, but i am really a secret agent, why don't they know it? BECAUSE ITS A SECRET~ DUH! ahem, rite, anyways... :/ where was i? oh yeah, secret agent. today i did all sort of secret and diabolical things ( i work for the soviets). first I *gasp* WOKE UP then i *gasp* LAID IN BED FOR A LONG TIME. man. i know, hardcore. then i *glances around suspiciously* killed someone. MWAHAHAHA. yup. thats me. killer.
loooooove from your faithful soviet sniper

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

in which i ignore the inevitable

today i realized that i name my posts like i would the chapters of a book... i find this strange that i never noticed before. hrm. also, my song of the day? that usually has alot to do with the post whether i'll admit it or not. so here i am, once and for all admitting it~ if you want the inside story, like between the lines of what im saying, listen to the song of the day as you read, sometimes it will fill stuff in, sometimes it will be something that seems completely irrelevant but is on my mind... either way, it all ties in somehow. make any sense? prolly not. i never do. its... complicated. so im gonna ignore all the crap tahts been happening and write about a completely off topic thing thats been bothering me for quite some time.

so, listen to girl next door by saving jane, then listen to you belong with me by taylor swift and tell me if you hear why im angry. TAYLOR SWIFT STOLE IT FROM SAVING JANE!!! grrr i only feel so strongly about this really because girl next door was my very fave song ever a few years ago and i hate to hear the idea decimated by miss swift. meh~!


in other news~ i finished working out the music for my song today! i recently found a poem i wrote a decided awww what the heck ill try to make a song outta it and its actually gone rather well. i wrote it back in february when i had this massive crush on a guy from my school who has a girlfriend, still, and everyone always asked if we were a couple cuz we did everything together but in the end she won and i moved on. ill post the lyrics one of these days...


i got to go frog catching today over at my neighbors pond~ yaaaaaaaaay!! it was fun. i didnt expect to get in, but my huntress goddess senses took over and before i knew it i was waste deep going after the biiiiiiiiiiig froggies. which i didnt catch. all i caught was a few little ones and a few medium ones, and i got soaked. i HATE having soaking wet jean shorts... and underwear. eew


okay, i have to go my loves~ keep your chin up.

love, me
PS: i get to go to a new school~ its called new covenant and its pretty effin sweeeeet <3>

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a mystery plant...

behold. the mystery plant. im not sure what this is, its been randomly growing in our backyard all summer and now it appears to be like a squash or watermelon? or a squashermelon? hrm. imma not sure. does anyone have any ideas at all? perhaps a pumpkin maybe. i guess i'll have to wait and see if it turns orange or yellow or stays green?
im depressed. school is almost here and i dont want to go back.... this summer has been so crazy, like i cant even put into words. i feel like going back to my school will be like going to hell~ i so can't deal with their fakeness and blah!! i mean come on. this summer, so much has happened that going to that place.. after all this? ha. atleast ill have all my rebel memories so when they're preaching at me i can be like " uh huh uh huh... too late buster, i'm already rebellious and loving it my dears, so good luck but you can't change meeeee or make me what you want." haha!!!!!!!!
i wish i were more creative, perhaps ill be hit with inspiration but theres this really cool thing id love to do, its called national novel writing month www.nanowrimo.com if you want to know more, its 30 days of crazy writing where you just write all the crap in your head (your novel) down furiously and try to reach a goal of 50,000 words. im gonna try it, just for fun to see what i can come up with... who knows, maybe ill get something good! itll be nice to know that other ppl all over the US are doing the exact same thing at the exact same time and getting it all out~ should be fun! if your interested, just click the link and sign up yourself!!
so i watched the coolest vid on one of courts blog the other day, it was talking about how silence isnt all bad, it can be good. get to know yourself, embrace the silence. sit on a bench all by yourself, take yourself out to dinner. it was really cool~unfortunately for some reason on this comp i cant past anything into this so i cant give yout he exact link ( itd take forev to handtype it all in here.....) but go to www.greatwhitebear.tumblr.com and go down aways until you find a video and watch it. it was verrry thought provoking!
wull, today its offf to the book sale at our local library, if i can find my money :/ then who knows, i wanna have an advennture!
love as always,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

when all is said and done

my mum just walked up to me, put her foot on my shoulder and boomed " I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!!!" in my right ear. "But you love me! heck, you MADE me!" she narrowed her eyes " not on purpose!" oh mum. i love her sometimes, and other times she drives me crazy. like when she makes me clean the house, or do my chores or watch the kids or when im having a bad day and shes bound and determined to squish the grouchiness out of me ( yes, shes has tried to umm squish the grouchiness out of me before. it only made me more grouchy.)
so, my sinister friends all jetted off to MI adventures today and im stuck here bcuz my uncle from AZ is here. well we were sposed to head out to some mini water park around here, but then my uncle called and was like wulll we should just go to grammas anda swim for awhile! grrrr. if i had known that, my parents would have let me go!!! wannngh.
oh the great and terrible beauty of it all. ~ line from great and terrible beauty, a book you all should read. courtney, im letting you borrow it. you must read it, its rllly good. remind me to hand it over next time i see you. and while we're on the subject, PLUSHIE you need to read <3 stargirl annd annd annd the knife of never letting go...
ahh, its time for me to go. eat lunch.
love and happyness.

Monday, August 16, 2010

hai. wilkum to mah bloog. hee hee sorry bout that im in a giddy mood. but i cant tell why. plushie, you'll here later. everyone else, sorry, its a giant secret i must keep to myself for a million and seventeen reasons. speaking numerically, me and court are going to do this really cool thing along the lines de este : www.happysnappy09.blogspot.com i am really excited and concocting my list of 25 topics as we speak ( or atleast thinking of them, you know.)
well, these last few days have been... horribly stressful but its all good now. its so nice to breathe again, i cant even tell you how good that feels! *sigh of relief* this morning me and the sibs and mum headed out to my fave camp to help out with a daycare group so i got to wade in the swamp, play hide and seek in a giant grass field, catch grasshoppers,frogs,tadpoles and waterbugs, go on a wagon ride, and almost win a carpetball tournament. its been a good day. the best day ive had in quite some time~!!
so tommorow its off to the aquatic center with the slides etc with my uncle tim and his gf val and the fam for a day of fuuuuuuuuun~ im excited. we were gonna go to lake MI but no one rly wanted to drive for an hour to get there :/ i dont blame them. speaking of driving, i now have my almost permit! like the slippy i have to take to the sec of state to get the permit itself. yaaaaaaay i passed! apparently my parallel parking sux tho, my instructor made me do it 5 times, and my friend lizzie? only once. *sigh. i feel discriminated against! its prolly cuz i have blonde hair and he has none. speaking of which, im thinking of doing my hair an auburn this winter. it turns this icky dirty blonde so i figure why not go auburn and enjoy it? what do yahll think of THAT?
today is so gorgeous, perfect temperature, a nice breeze, just enough sun... ohhhhh niiiice. oh hey, guess what? my little neighbor jessica had her cast removed today~ yaaaay. she broke her leg about a month and a half ago so she lost alot of muscle memory etc so she cant walk on her own yet, but she can with help. poor little chicky. i love that grl, shes so funny, she insisted that we come play "tea party" and "babies" today and really it turned into lets pour water on the babies, pretend they threw up, and make kara go get more clothes for them. thanks alot. *sigh.
alrite, i must go now. my mum says i must go practice dance :/
au revoir my loves <3

Monday, August 9, 2010

born in this world as it all falls apart

song of the day: young by hollywood undead

hello! well as you can see my blog is in full working order again, virtually the same as before actually which makes me feel tons better, i just felt uncomfortable posting when it was all different :/ but now its better.
i had some weird dreams last night 2 of them. first one was i was being kidnapped by a strange creepy guy who was following me saying " I'm a recovering alcoholic..." over and over again and then kidnapping me... and the other was a jumble, heres what i remember. playing on a playground, and zach efron teaching me how to properly jump from the ground to the slide like so in the picture... minus the guitar. then i was on a quest with plushie to make some kind of space ship or something? we had to sneak into a giant warehouse and grab parts. i distinctly remember grabbing a cardboard dog with bird feet and wings (dont ask) and saying "THIS is what we need!!" but mean old plushie made me put it back, explaining that it would be too hard to sneak out and it might start barking. valid point since its made of cardboard, genius! alrite, i would write more but my evil mum is making me go with her and the two korean boys staying at our house to the park. im not sure why she enjoys torturing me so much, but she seems to do this on a regular basis.
. :kara.grace:.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


so i am really kinda aggravated about this whole blog switch thing, its much more stressful than i thought it would be :/ moving everything is taking FOREVER but im working through it.


well life has been REALLY busy lately and i havent posted in ages so lemme tell you why...

1. havent felt like it... i just HAVEN'T

2. lack of things to talk about

3. really busy... ie worship camp/drivers training all the time!!


so.... why did i switch bloggies? this, my friends, is a question i have answered in one form or another a zillion times so i'll give you the abreviated version here. basically, i became friends with a 22 yr old guy from camp i go to~ nothing romantic, just like big brother... or atleast on my part. so we'd chat now and then but my dad felt it was not appropriate with our age gap to be such close friends and requested that we stop talking. i was like whaaat? and eric was like no way. so we kept talking via blogger/formspring etc. then he showed up at my worship camp and lied to the director to see me, stalker style. so i shut down my old blog and have this new one with a new email etc for safety i guess, but its SUCH A PAIN moving everything!!!! argggh.


its been weird lately, i've been feeling very... confused. like one moment i know EXACTLY what i want to do, then i;m like no thats dumb. i'm everywhere at once and its rather inconvenient. i feel to start this blog with good luck, i should do something momentous... but i dont know what????? umm okee ill write a limerick

There once was a girlie named Kara

Who wished for a pet capybara

But her parents they yelled

Those animals SMELL

and now ...erm oh dear im stuck. this is bad luck...
alrite. i must go now. farewell my loves. soon this will be looking like my old blog hopefully :/ but until then , hang in there!!