Monday, August 16, 2010

hai. wilkum to mah bloog. hee hee sorry bout that im in a giddy mood. but i cant tell why. plushie, you'll here later. everyone else, sorry, its a giant secret i must keep to myself for a million and seventeen reasons. speaking numerically, me and court are going to do this really cool thing along the lines de este : i am really excited and concocting my list of 25 topics as we speak ( or atleast thinking of them, you know.)
well, these last few days have been... horribly stressful but its all good now. its so nice to breathe again, i cant even tell you how good that feels! *sigh of relief* this morning me and the sibs and mum headed out to my fave camp to help out with a daycare group so i got to wade in the swamp, play hide and seek in a giant grass field, catch grasshoppers,frogs,tadpoles and waterbugs, go on a wagon ride, and almost win a carpetball tournament. its been a good day. the best day ive had in quite some time~!!
so tommorow its off to the aquatic center with the slides etc with my uncle tim and his gf val and the fam for a day of fuuuuuuuuun~ im excited. we were gonna go to lake MI but no one rly wanted to drive for an hour to get there :/ i dont blame them. speaking of driving, i now have my almost permit! like the slippy i have to take to the sec of state to get the permit itself. yaaaaaaay i passed! apparently my parallel parking sux tho, my instructor made me do it 5 times, and my friend lizzie? only once. *sigh. i feel discriminated against! its prolly cuz i have blonde hair and he has none. speaking of which, im thinking of doing my hair an auburn this winter. it turns this icky dirty blonde so i figure why not go auburn and enjoy it? what do yahll think of THAT?
today is so gorgeous, perfect temperature, a nice breeze, just enough sun... ohhhhh niiiice. oh hey, guess what? my little neighbor jessica had her cast removed today~ yaaaay. she broke her leg about a month and a half ago so she lost alot of muscle memory etc so she cant walk on her own yet, but she can with help. poor little chicky. i love that grl, shes so funny, she insisted that we come play "tea party" and "babies" today and really it turned into lets pour water on the babies, pretend they threw up, and make kara go get more clothes for them. thanks alot. *sigh.
alrite, i must go now. my mum says i must go practice dance :/
au revoir my loves <3

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