Tuesday, August 31, 2010

autumn is coming (part 2)

reasons i dont like autumn:

it means this is coming

and all of it is lovely and whatever, but i just cant quite let go of summer! im not ready for ittttt.
and... it means THIS is coming

agh. alrite, enough with the pictures. im actually gonna have to post something real here one of these days :/


  1. Ohh, those cookies look sooo good! :o

    Okay, I REALLY like that snowman. It's really depressing, but I love it. I have decided that I am doing that in the park this winter.

    I love winter, just wish it would last its scheduled 3 months. Stupid season's getting a big head, thinking it can use up Fall and Spring's time! D:<

  2. haha i noo i want a cookie now :3

    yes. we must make the pumpkin and the snowman...we should start a just to be morbid blog ;) and post pics of that suff!

    i agree. it is getting a big head. 3 months is all it gets, no more, no less. so maybe if we do a wait your turn dance itll help. me and lee did a rain dance today and then it rained so you never know!! XD
